Photos From Last Night:

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule w/ special guest Hook Herrera, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Gov’t Mule w/ special guest Hook Herrera, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds w/ special guest Warren Haynes, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA

12/29/12 Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds w/ special guest Warren Haynes, Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA
I was at this show, as well as the night before. Were you the girl with the access pass on her pant leg taking photo’s? If so do you have more photo’s from that night? I was in the front row to the left of the stage on Saturday night, 3rd row in front of Warren the night before, I’d love to see if I made it into one of your very well done shots.